Introduction Spring 2021
Spring 2021 Art Blog Introduction Happy 2021! My name is Elisa. I am Spring Semester student from the Associate of Arts Degree Program with just a few more semesters until I am a graduate. Overall, this degree will bring me closer to obtaining my Bachelors of Business Administration Degree, which is my primary goal. However, I am taking it one step a time with the guidance of my awesome Academic Advisor. Diversity and adaptation are a few of my strengths and believes throughout each day. I enjoy learning new skills, new information, and history as well, to diversify my abilities. Expanding my knowledge in all areas of life by utilizing my reading and visual perceptions is an important attribute to me. Another important aspect for me, is the more knowledge I retain, the more I can pass on to my children. My diverse range of interests and learning of facts consist of daily life activities, like, hunting, camping, and fishing, or cooking and make-up art! I hav...